Lessons From 34 Years of Marriage

by | Jul 25, 2018 | 8 comments

We are so thankful for 34 beautiful, wonderful years of marriage so far and we know the importance of keeping the Lord at the center of your marriage!

Here are 7 basic needs of husbands and wives that we have worked to apply to our marriage over the years.

Seven Basic Needs of a Husband

  1. A man needs a wife who is loyal and supportive.
  2. A man needs a wife who honors his leadership.
  3. A man needs a wife who develops inward and outward beauty.
  4. A man needs a wife who will make appeals, not demands.
  5. A man needs a wife who understands his need for time alone with God.
  6. A man needs a grateful wife.
  7. A man needs a wife who will be praised by others.

Learn more about meeting your husband’s basic needs >>

Seven Basic Needs of a Wife

  1. A wife needs a husband who demonstrates spiritual leadership.
  2. A wife needs to know she is meeting her husband’s vital needs.
  3. A wife needs a husband who cherishes her.
  4. A wife needs a husband who protects her.
  5. A wife needs to have intimate communication with her husband.
  6. A wife needs a husband who honors her.
  7. A wife needs a husband who invests in her life.

Learn more about meeting your wife’s basic needs >>

Any photos on this page are considered the property of the Duggar Family and may only be used with their written permission. To request permission to use the photos please click here.

Timeless Biblical wisdom from the legacy of Adrian Rogers

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  1. Rosemary Burton

    I would love to read how your beliefs have matured and straight up changed over the years together. Some things mellow and others deepen. What are some of the things you once thought were the only way and now after some life experiences you no longer handle the same way. The television series never really allowed your personal faith and religious traditions to be showcased in a way that would minister to the public. Please impart your wisdom and lessons you have learned over the years.

  2. Chris Wiley

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Joe Mamma

    you are going God’s work!!!

  4. pamela k. tuttle

    i’ve been married to my wonderful God fearing God loving husband for 41 years. without a doubt it was God that has kept us together.

  5. Renee Perez

    You both are amazing human beings. An example to the world. Always over come evil by doing good. These are very helpful rules.

  6. Cathy Gray

    My husband and I have been married 41 years but together for 46 years. We were blessed with 2 daughters, after losing 3 we figured God was telling us something. We have 6 grands and 2 great grands with another on the way. My grand daughter Hannah and myself love your family. We watched you have your children and are now enjoying watching your children having children. They are all such a blessing.

  7. Jamie

    Thankyou for sharing such wisdom! The link you posted is an awesome resource- I am printing it out and keeping it for reference!




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