Valentine’s Day Marriage Advice!

by | Feb 14, 2018 | 0 comments

We love each other more today than the day we married. Our love has grown richer & deeper with each passing year. Here are a few things we will share from our experience!


1. Early on in our relationship, we committed to never put each down or to call each other names (except sweetie, honey, etc…). 


2. We daily purpose to praise each other privately and publicly. The words, “I love you” are spoken often in our home and we tell each other how much we appreciate the kindnesses shown to one another.


3. We both look for ways to honor & cherish each other and to write love notes to each other. 


4. We pray together.


5.  We have weekly date nights. We truly are best friends and we enjoy spending time with each other and our children. 


6. We made a vow to God 33 years ago that we would stay together for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. This gives us and our children the security that marriage is a lifelong commitment. 


We encourage all of you guys out there, pursue your wife as if you were dating her, treat her like a queen, humble yourself and ask for forgiveness when offenses come, before the sun goes down, serve her in every way you can think of and never under appreciate the love she’s offered you by becoming your wife!


We encourage husbands & wives to read the Bible together. (A good, easy place to start is the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds with the day of the month). Pray together and take your family regularly to a good Bible teaching church and watch what God does with your marriage and family!


When any couple seeks to follow God, it is an incredible adventure!


-Jim Bob & Michelle

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