Statement from the Duggar Family

by | Nov 20, 2019 | 2 comments

We were shocked to see a news report today state that our home was raided by federal law enforcement agencies. This is not true. To the best of our knowledge, it’s also not true that any member of our family is the target of any investigation of any kind. Living a life in the public’s eye has taught us that it is best not to reply to every rumor and piece of “fake news” that is circulated online. It would be a full-time job if we attempted to do so. However, because of tonight’s media coverage we thought it is important to address this rumor with you. Thank you for the love and support that we can always count on in you our fans and friends.

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  1. Karen Hansen

    I love reading about your family!

  2. Carol Pierce

    I miss your show so much. I cannot understand why the media has a problem with allowing us to see how families should behave. How we should be handling the good and the sad that happens in ALL families. I can only thank you for putting yourselves out there for us to see the way we could deal with most issues in a more positive way. Thank you again and I can’t wait for the next show to be aired.


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