It’s a……..

by | Aug 20, 2019 | 52 comments

We are so happy for John and Abbie! They have a deep love for God and each other, and we know they are going to be great parents! We were thrilled to find out they are having a little girl! It is going to be so special having several granddaughters born over the coming months all growing up together.

—Jim Bob & Michelle

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Adventure awaits in this exciting, fun-filled, family getaway!

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  1. Georgette moore

    Exciting news! God Bless you three!

  2. Sherry Cooper

    Congratulations!!! Enjoy each and every second!!

  3. Judy thompson

    Congratulations! I saw you two at the Stratford Peach Festival. You looked adorable pg. I mentioned I’m anxious for the show to start again but I don’t think you understood me. Delicious ice cream, btw!

  4. Theresa Roden

    Many congratulations on your beautiful blessing xxx

  5. Pamela Rickert

    Congratulations to you both. I’ve been watch the show since day your show started. Gods blessings to you and your beautiful baby girl.

  6. Beverly Stevens

    AWESOME so happy for you too

  7. Diana Pennington

    I’m so happy for you two. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl

  8. Paula Carter

    Congratulations to y’all. Blessing to all three of y’all

  9. Anne Pashley

    So disappointed that we can’t watch the video here in Australia.

  10. Leslie Scudiere

    Congratulations! I have two beautiful, grown daughters who are wonderful humans. They are kind and loving contributors to the planet and all living things. I am ever so proud of them. Being a parent is a huge honor and responsibility. You will be great!

  11. Cherette Alexis

    John David and Abbie , I am over the moon for the both of you and Gods Blessings on your life . I’m glad your feeling better Abbie and for giving us a way to send you all messages . Can’t wait to see your sweet sweet baby girl . Peace be with you both and the mercy of God always with you . Your fan , Cherette

  12. Nancy Miller

    I’m so happy you are having a baby Girl. I always told my daughter she was my Gift from God.

  13. Kari

    Congratulations John and Abbie! What a wonderful little blessing!

  14. dorothy pierce

    congrats to you both having a sweet little girl. I wish your shows would still come on to TLC for us all to enjoy. Mrs Pierce

  15. Debi Jenkins

    Oh what awesome new! I am so excited for them! God is so awesome! It is so beautiful to witness what the Lord is doing in each of the couple’s lives. Congratulations John and Abby on you little girl. God bless~Debi

  16. Margie Smith

    So happy for y’all been Been following you guys as long as you’ve been on TV and really enjoy watching your show and really love your family

  17. Regina Shea

    Congratulations John and Abbie! I’m very excited the Lord is blessing you with a daughter. I’m sure you will make awesome godly parents!

  18. Sarah denning

    Congratulations their going to be wonderful parents

  19. Susan Gehring

    Congratulations!! So happy for you all.

  20. Cathy Russell

    Congratulations and God bless your family and baby girl! So thrilled for both of you! You will be wonderful kind, gentle Christian parents! Such a blessing and joy that a baby brings! Definitely one of God’s greatest gifts Hope the rest of the pregnancy and delivery goes smoothly !

  21. Linda hollis

    Congratulations on your baby girl! I’m so happy for y’all I wished counting on was on more regular

  22. Mary Austin

    Congratulations! May God bless you with a beautiful, healthy daughter.

  23. Sandy Sischo

    Congratulations to each of you. Love the Duggers. Would love to see the whole family again

  24. Angie Bowers

    Aww congratulations to you both and the family

  25. Darlene O'Shea

    Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you all. I pray God continue to Bless you and your family

  26. Susie Burgess

    She’ll be as pretty as her mama, nothing sweeter than a new baby.

  27. Meredith

    I’m so excited for John & Abbie and all of the Duggar’s. I just love this family and have been following them for years. Congratulations to all!

  28. Barbara Maxwell

    WOOHOO Congratulations and your Baby Girl Happy for you both

  29. Carolyn hicks

    Congratulations to the two of y’all

  30. Rhonda Hicks

    So when you are ready for box’s my daughter and her business partner are Christian mom’s that are able to start a bow business for mom’s and their daughter’s and they are both having babies due 3 days apart. Check out If have any questions you can email them also. They are located in Oklahoma. Can’t wait to meet your baby girl

  31. Nina snackers


  32. Pepper Meulendyk

    Oh, what joyous news! A little Abby to enjoy. I know the delight a little girl can bring… After one granddaughter followed by six grandsons, we were blessed with a great-grandDAUGHTER this July. So very happy for you!

  33. Sharon

    Congratulations on your Wonderful News..Its A Girl..BLESSINGS

  34. darlene corcoran

    i am so excited for you two! hope the rest of your pregnancy goes by smoothly. you probably dont realize how many young couples look up to you and what a wonderful ministry you are providing to them! thank you for sharing yourselves with us. how about amelia after amelia earhart for you your little girl?

  35. Elizabeth Bramel

    So so happy for you! This is wonderful and exciting news!

  36. Nancy Marks

    So excited for you both. Baby girls are so wonderful. Wish I could send you a box of hand-me-downs, but that’s silly. You’ll be lavished with loving gifts. I have 4 girls and 2 boys; now with grandkids – 9 boys and 4 girls. God’s blessings on your sweet family. Love y’all from afar.

  37. Emma Adams

    Congratulations guy’s I am so happy for you!

  38. Mary Elizabeth Hackney

    So sweet!! Love you all!! God bless your pregnancy and delivery to be beautiful.

  39. Patrice

    Congratulations May god bless you in your upcoming rolls as parents .praying for your beautiful family always .

  40. Lisa Morris

    Congratulations that is fantastic about God blessing your tiny family with a growing abundance! so cool!

  41. SusanMilligan

    Congratulations on your baby girl

  42. Adriana Ochoa Barajas

    Super cute. I am very happy for you. John’s smile says it all. God bless your family.

  43. Brenda Meis

    Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for both of you!! I have been a faithful viewer of the show.. Even when it was 16 kids and counting., I’ve watched or taped every episode and love all the new ones of everyone growing up and getting married, having their own children.. Best of wishes!!

  44. Kristina

    A wonderful blessing from God.

  45. Rhonda Hayes

    Congratulations to you both wishing you and your family the best

  46. Cynthia Dawn Adkins


  47. Sheryl Bond

    I am so thrilled for you both!

  48. Dee Essex

    Congratulations! We look forward to seeing her & all of you on TLC. May the Lord bless you all!

  49. Karen Duvall

    Congratulations! I know y’all are just tickled pink!

  50. Tracie Higgins

    Wonderful!! How exciting all those sweet girls playing together

  51. Renee Perez

    Wish you both the best with this child and in the adventure of life. Enjoy every minutes of your little baby girl.

  52. Renee Perez

    Wish you both the best with this child and in the adventure of life. Enjoy every minute of your little baby girl.


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