Remembering Grandma Duggar

by | Jun 14, 2019 | 3 comments

Mary Lester Duggar (May 26, 1941–June 9, 2019)

Read more about Grandma Mary’s life and legacy here!

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  1. Pauline Scalco

    Grandma Duggar seemed like a really wonderful lady. Kind, loving, quiet, Godly. I miss not seeing her on the show. The family was very lucky to have her with them for so long. She was a true power of example.

  2. Mary Ann Noriega

    Praying for your family in this difficult time 🙏.

  3. gianna

    I love how Grandma dugger and Ivy have the same birthday. Tho her passing happend a long time ago we are still praying for you and your family. Thank you for the amazing encouragement you gave me when my great grandfather passed away, when I feel sad I always go back to that episode. I hope your show will continue so we can see what is going on in your family we really miss your show. Hope you and your family did not get covid 19.


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