It’s a Girl!

by | Jun 25, 2019 | 19 comments

We are so happy for Josh and Anna and their growing family! Love this creative gender reveal they did with their kids! So cute!


Josh and Anna’s kids drew and cut out bumble bees and decorated a “beehive” for a “sience project” not knowing they were to have a blue or pink “volcano” coming out of the top of the hive! Marcus was the little scientist and did an awesome job mixing the eruption of the colored volcano for his siblings. 


Can’t wait to meet your little girl this fall!

—Jim Bob & Michelle



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  1. Kristi Thivierge

    Congratulations to the both of you and your family

  2. Cindy Fuller

    Congratulations! So happy for you all!’

  3. Rebecca Crowfoot

    Congratulations! I love to see the whole family! God bless you!

  4. Debra Bennett

    Prayer for a healthy baby girl. God bless your sweet little family.

  5. Toni Mendive

    Anna…you’re getting more and more beautiful as time goes on! God’s light shines through you!

  6. Ashley vincent


  7. Lisa Kay Havens

    Congratulations. Children are a blessing.

  8. Rhonda brown

    Congratulations you guys!

  9. Carrie Hill

    Congratulations Josh,Anna and kids

  10. Linda Helmick

    Congratulations! Wonderful news. So happy to see pictures of your beautiful family. Praying for continued blessings.

  11. Joyce Birr

    Congrats on another beautiful baby girl!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!

  12. Sherri Mangis

    Congrats & God’s blessings to you all!

  13. Carol

    Congratulations Praying for the whole family

  14. Honei Woods

    Congratulations God bless your sweet family !!!

  15. Hanna

    That’s fantastic, congratulations and love from Europe!

  16. Joyce burfield


  17. Betty

    Anna I have always thought you were pretty but this picture of you is absolutely stunning!!! Congratulations!!

  18. Pat nyland

    You have a beautiful family. Please put Josh and Anna’s wedding picture up with the rest. He was the first.

  19. Tracie Higgins

    Anna you look so beautiful! Such wonderful news you two are so blessed


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