Duggar 32-Year Romance Inspires Love-Filled Advice

by | Sep 1, 2016 | 20 comments

When God is in the center of a couple’s relationship, their love for each other does not have to hit a peak then start going down hill. We couldn’t have predicted it on the day we married and thought we were so in love that we would actually love each other MORE after 32 years than we did on that day.

Sure, there are major trials that come through life that test the very bedrock of the soul, we all know that if you live life in the earth and love people that there will be sorrows. Yet when a man and a woman have committed their lives to Jesus, and to each other, it is a solid foundation and it has provided us a marriage beyond our best dreams!

We love each other more today than the day we married. Our love has grown richer & deeper with each passing year. Here’s a few things we will share from our experience!

      1. Early on in our relationship we committed to never put each down or to call each other names (except sweetie, honey, etc…). 
      2. We daily purpose to praise each other privately and publicly. The words, “I love you” are spoken often in our home and we tell each other how much we appreciate the kindnesses shown to one another.
      3. We both look for ways to honor & cherish each other and to write love notes to each other. 
      4. We pray together.
      5. We have weekly date nights. We truly are best friends and we enjoy spending time with each other and our children. 
      6. We made a vow to God 32 years ago that we would stay together for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. This gives us and our children the security that marriage is a life long commitment. 

We encourage all of you guys out there, pursue your wife as if you were dating her, treat her like a queen, humble yourself and ask for forgiveness when offenses come, before the sun goes down, serve her in every way you can think of and never under appreciate the love she’s offered you by becoming your wife!

We encourage husbands & wives to read the Bible together. (A good, easy place to start is the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds with the day of the month). Pray together and take your family regularly to a good Bible teaching church and watch what God does with you marriage and family!

When any couple seeks to follow God, it is an incredible adventure!

Any photos on this page are considered the property of the Duggar Family and may only be used with their written permission. To request permission to use the photos please click here.

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  1. Jamie

    These are great words of advice. I am working on my relationship with God and trying to find a church that meets my needs.

  2. Tammy Pruitt

    Great advice. Y’all are such a blessing!!

  3. Lorna Snow

    I so appreciate your values, and your commitment to each other as well as God. Your strength through all the adversity really shows how much you put your and your children’s lives in Jesus’s hands.

  4. Teri Baumann

    What an awesome testimony. Thank-you and prayers to the whole Dugger clan.

  5. Teresa Oliver

    Dear Michelle, Thanks for sharing

  6. Joanna Kirkpatrick

    Thank you for this sweet encouragement!

  7. Marion Mooney

    Your family presents Christian love as

  8. Lynda Alexanderwicz

    Thank you very useful information. Please pray for me

  9. Lisa McClane

    We want to see this 50 page questionnaire that Jim Bob has for the men courting his daughters

  10. Lauraine smart

    Hi Michelle. Do you ever see you and your family travelling over here to the UK? I love following your blog. Your wise words certainly make me think and reevaluate what I do and say day to day. You are all so insperational. Kind regards I hope you are all keeping well. Lauraine smart

  11. Julie Craig

    Thank you for being so vulnerable and transparent with your lives. You are so encouraging to me and my walk with Jesus. Praying for your family to stay firm in Christ. Again, Thank You! In His Love….

  12. Deanie Hawkins

    Michelle, It is definitely wonderful to have a long and happy marriage! We have 33 years together, 3 children, going on 7 grandchildren. :0) You are a great example to all of your children. Would that all couples be like this–what a wonderful land it would be.

  13. Olivia marks

    Your family has truly changed my way of think of the world you have changed my life

  14. Charlotte Edgerton

    So precious and so very true….thank you for sharing this! My husband and I are going on 17 yrs of marriage and have been blessed with 6 beautiful girls. What a wonderful reminder for us as we go through this life together. God bless and Merry Christmas!

  15. AnnMarie

    I think this is the most beautiful, most uplifting thing I have ever read. I my self come from a broken home, and watch your family daily and wish for a family like that. The love and tenderness that is shown to one and other just makes my heart rejoice. Michelle you make me want to be a better momma to my own little Girls and I only pray that one day I am blessed with a family like you have created. Thank you Michelle for being the Mom that you are.

  16. Em from rural Jersey

    Thank you Jim Bob and Michelle for the advice and words of encouragement! How were you able to do date nights when the kids were still to young to watch themselves and getting a babysitter every week can get a bit costly? God bless! Emese (pronounced Eh-meh-sheh….its Hungarian:)

  17. Joanne Batch

    Inspiring. Thank you

  18. Deanie Hawkins

    Such good advice, not just for your children, but for all. :0)

  19. Marcella Daam

    Thank you so much for the words, your family is an inspiration for me and my family.

  20. Jorah Belson

    Thank you for sharing. I’ve read both of your books and the girls’ book. As that you are in a new season of life, I think you should write another one.


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