TLC Announcement

by | Sep 24, 2015 | 6 comments

We appreciate all the prayers for our family. God has drawn us closer to Him and to each other this summer. We are grateful that the new TLC specials set to air this fall will be sharing special moments with Jill, Derick and Israel on the foreign mission field and following Ben and Jessa as they prepare for the arrival of their first baby! Check in with us at for more updates.

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  1. Ashley Lynn Cardine

    I can’t wait to see you guys on TV again. You have become part of our own family in a way. Stay strong and God bless

  2. Alisa Miller

    Amen! I am in complete agreement with comment #1 from Ashley.

  3. Jennifer Smith

    I am in agreement also with Ashley & Alisa. I have been watching you and your wonderful family since the first airing. When y’all cried, I cried. When y’all laughed, I laughed. Jessa and Jinger remind me a lot of me when I was younger. I have a 17 year old son. If I could choose his wife for him, I would choose Joy. I have loved watching her grow up. She is a beautiful young lady. God has something very special for her. Praying for all of you. Thank you for being a blessing in my life. I’m looking forward to see what God has in store. God bless you all.

  4. Karen S. Pierce

    I have really enjoyed your show. In this life we have to few wholesome shows and/or ones about family that loves and cares about one another and you can see it by watching the show. No one is perfect in this life, but if we look to HIM for guidance then HE (JESUS) will lead us where we should go. My husband (God rest his soul) started watching your show with me and he grew to love it. I loved the show because it reminded me of what a true Spiritually based Christian family should be about. God bless you Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar and mayyour family prevail as a new season starts of your wonderfully beautifully show!

  5. Nikki Fekete

    I can’t imagine the pain your family has been through this past year. Please know that not everyone out here is out to hurt your family. I am (im)patiently awaiting an announcement that you’ll be on another network… although I would understand the need to “circle the wagons” and protect your family in order to heal from all of this. Your family is missed!

  6. JaimeGib

    Good post! I read your blog often and you always post excellent content. I posted this article on Facebook and my followers like it. Thanks for writing this!


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