Jason’s Quick Pickles

by | Jan 12, 2015 | 0 comments

This year, Jason decided on his own to grow a vegetable garden. The cucumbers did amazing, and he decided to make pickles. They turned out delicious! We have all been enjoying the wonderful fruits…err, vegetables of his labor!

You can combine these same ingredients, and rather than boil, just let it sit for a few days. You will get pickles either way, but by boiling you will have your pickles just a few hours.

Quick Pickles Recipe:

4 cups white vinegar

2 cups water

8 teaspoons salt

8 teaspoons pickling spice (optional)

4 large cucumber, cut into 1/4-inch slices

Combine white vinegar, water, salt and pickling spice in a small saucepan. Heat to a boil.

Place cucumber in a clean, dry glass container just large enough to hold all the slices. Pour boiling brine over cucumber slices to cover completely. If all cucumbers are not submerged, add cold water to cover. Cover; refrigerate at least 1 hour. Pickles will keep for about 10 days (but around our house we can usually eat them in less than 10 minutes!).

Makes: 2 quarts

NOTE: ™ = Trademark. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Results may vary. All recipes are valid for non-commercial useotherwise written permission must be obtained from the The Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Family. © Copyright 2011

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