Duggar Family Trip to Israel

by | Apr 7, 2023 | 2 comments

Happy Good Friday and Easter! May this video encourage your heart as we walk with friends and family where our savior Jesus Christ walked this earth and freely died on the cross for our sins so that we can have life. Our prayer is that each one that watches this will come to know Christ and the forgiveness and healing He gave us through His death and resurrection.

—Jed and Katey Duggar

Bigger than imagination! Experience Bible history at the life-size Noah’s Ark.

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  1. Anonymous

    Loved this video! I feel like I was there too! Thanks for doing this!

  2. Verna

    it seems nearly IMPOSSIBLE that Jackson and Johamna are of GRADUATION age!!! you’re talking HIGH SCHOOL graduation right??? I’ve been watching amd supporting your family since the BIRTH of Jackson!! I’ve ALWAYS LOVED to like… be a “part of” your family for all of these years even through the “fire and the storm”. I live near Jinger and her family and count it a “Blessing” they have graced the community in California ( we NEED it !!!) I have ALWAYS wanted to have a large Christian family like yours and have enjoyed your “lifestyle” through the years., although my children are grown and “on their own” …I have lived my life and still live my live “vicariously” through yours ( family and values). I DO have “branches” of my “family tree” that are “allowed” to live under the Christian values as you do and as I have strive to abide by. however SOME of my most immediate family are strictly pagan…even ” aithiestic” in nature… and I find it hard and most “alienating” to live my life around them. I’ve “struggled” with this my entire life. watching your family reminds me of “home”… and I know my “homeland” is in Heaven which is a comfort to me as I continue to “run the race” that is set before me here on earth. THANK YOU for “enduring” through ALL!! YPU are making an IMPACT that you will never know!


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