Statement from Jim Bob and Michelle

by | Dec 9, 2021 | 172 comments

A statement regarding Joshua Duggar’s guilty verdict.

This entire ordeal has been very grievous. Today, God’s grace, through the love and prayers of so many, has sustained us. Our hearts and prayers are with anyone who has ever been harmed through CSAM.

In the days ahead, we will do all we can to surround our daughter-in-law Anna and their children with love and support. As parents, we will never stop praying for Joshua, and loving him, as we do all of our children. In each of life’s circumstances, we place our trust in God. He is our source of strength and refuge. Thank you for your prayers.

Any photos on this page are considered the property of the Duggar Family and may only be used with their written permission. To request permission to use the photos please click here.

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  1. Anonymous

    Praying for your family, especially Anna and kids.

    • Margaret

      Hundreds of comments praying for Michelle, Jim, Anna and Joshua but where are the prayers for the victims? My prayers go out to them.

      Proverbs 1:32 For the waywardness of the naive will kill them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them.

      • Anonymous

        At the beginning they do say theirs hearts and prayers.

      • Jg


    • Katherine Thompson

      You have all been in my prayers daily. Sending so much love your way, to ALL the Duggars. May Jesus bless you and protect you through this very tough time. We are all praying for you! ❤️

    • Belinds

      Praying for you and your family. When we stand up as a witness for Jesus, satan attacks. Your family testimony was hated by satan which made you a bigger threat. God is more than able to use this situation to bring about his perfect plan. Stand firm and strong in these difficult times.

      • Brenda Diver

        Continuing to pray for all.

    • Anonymous

      As we have children we bring them up with good values and beliefs, As much as we love them as adult children, we as parents cannot let the blame fall on us for our adult children make choices.
      Weather they are good or bad that adult child made that choice and as many blame a parent for the behaviour that person made that choice they know right from wrong.
      Parents are not the BLAME for the choices their adult children make.

  2. Lindsay

    Having gone through a similar situation with my brother and having our entire family being slandered, for supporting our brother just for the mere fact that he’s our brother and will always love him, I am deeply sorry for the hurt your family is going through. The crimes of one family member, should never punish the rest of the family. Thank you for your example of faith in God and faith in our justice system.

    The gift of the atonement is for everyone of us. We all need to remember that and not cast judgement towards Joshua’s family. May His spirit be with all of you at this time and comfort you and most importantly Anna and the kids.

    • Sharon

      [email protected]
      It makes me happy to see your post, to remind us to forgive as God forgives us. I can’t imagine the pain and shame all this has caused all those involved, but I do know God will forgive those that have accepted Him as their Savior, and ask for forgiveness. Merry Christmas, Lindsay, to you and your family. Prayers for all those that have gone through this. I have dear friends that have, and I saw how my church at the time acted more like Pharisees than showing love, compassion, forgiveness and grace. Those friends are still dear friends, and God has brought them all closer to Him through that experience.

  3. k.clem

    I am sorry your family has to go through such trials in the public, and other actions are reflected on the entire family. I wish you all peace and comfort.

  4. Maria

    The Lord is close to the broken hearted. 🙏💕⚓

  5. Simone M Swann

    praying for your entire family.

  6. Janet

    I have watched your family for years and I have empathy for what you are going through. I cannot imagine the grief that you are feeling as well as the guilt as you ask yourselves “where did we go wrong?’ “what did we miss?” “how could this happen to us — people who follow the lord and the word of Jesus so closely?” . . It must be very hard to comprehend and very difficult to know how to steward the family forward. That said, I am hoping that you will make a stronger statements and take more clear actions going forward. You can condemn what he has done while still loving him. You will always love and should always love him, but your son has serious emotional and mental health issues and he needs life long counseling and incarceration to pay for his sins. But, more than what needs to happen to him, I believe YOU have a role to play as public figures who are Christians. I would like to see you condemn his actions and then donate both time and energy to organizations that are trying to put an end to child pornography and help pedophiles to recover. I am sorry for your pain, if you are more honest and direct about what has happened and how you will devote you energy to the problems, your guilt will start to dissipate, those who watch you will see you as brave and honest, and Christ will grant you grace. Good luck.

    • Valeria

      Well said

      • Chris J

        I DON’T understand why you expect the Duggars to devote time and energy to those organizations. They didn’t engage in pornography. Josh did. Josh is a grown man and has been out on his own for a long time. HE is the one responsible. I never understand how, with this particular family, so much blame is put on the parents. Everyone knows when children grow up they go their own way. How can you look at all of the other children this family raised, none of whom have done anything wrong, but everyone has to zero in on Josh and somehow blame the family. If the parents did something horribly wrong in raising the kids that caused Josh to act out like this, why didn’t it show up in any of the other kids? I’m not a huge fan of their religion, but could any of you raise 19 children and have 18 of them turn out so well? I doubt it.

    • Lisa M.

      This is the best comment on here in my opinion.

    • Toni Johnson

      You’ve hit the nail on the head Janet. Very well said. I could not agree more. I hope they follow your advice, and get Joshua the help he needs. I hope they become more vocal about this subject, and champion the victims. I think this would bring healing to them and glorify Christ.

    • Kelsey

      Amen Janet 🙏🏻

    • C L H

      LOVE your reply especially the last 2 sentences.

    • Patty

      Janet – they have condemned what their son did. They did get their son help when he was a teenager. Most good prents do the best they can – but sometimes the best is not good enough. They know he has mental health issues and I imagine they agree that he needs to pay for the horrible things he did. But while we are at it, maybe you should be upset with the ones that actually produce these videos and do these horrible things to the children. I hear very few people talk about that – including your statement.

    • Anonymous

      It is a terrible thing what has happened to this family. We all have to realize that it can happen to anyone. Be thankful that it isn’t you.

    • Kaz

      I don’t believe them condemning their son in public will help them in any may make you more accepting of them, but that won’t help one knows how they feel except them..I think they are handling it in the way they feel it should be handled…they have never condoned josh behaviour, but they do not have to share the pain of their family in public just like none of us would want to

  7. Anonymous

    While I believe justice was served today, Im praying for your family. Those who continue to condemn you, would have their time better spent looking in to what their own children/relatives are doing. Because if this proves anything, its that evil acts happen even in the best of families.

  8. Lisa Gray

    God bless you All. X

  9. Debra McGan

    Sending prayers to your family especially Anna and the kids. May God keep in her His hands and give her the strength she needs to carry on and take care of her babies.

    • Carin

      Love and Prayers for your family.

  10. Thar

    Prayers for all of you. No family is perfect, including yours. Come to terms with how the girls are hurting, own where you failed, and do better foing forward. Humility will be your best guide, next to the Holy Spirit.
    God be with you, All. 😞🙏🏼

  11. Ron Hair

    I love and appreciate you folks . you have certainly gone through many challenges in the past years but I’m thankful for the example you have set in the children you have raised may the Lord bless you abundantly and give great grace in these difficult times.

    • Brenda Orton

      Well said, and my sentiments exactly. This is just heartbreaking all the way around… for you Jim Bob & Michelle, for his wife, family and friends… my gosh 🙁 While I do agree and believe that justice was served, as a parent I can’t imagine your heartbreak for your son. Please know that we are praying for you and think the world of your family. Peace, strength and somehow, some glimpses of joy in this Holiday season.

  12. Ewa

    Praying for you and your family 🙏.

  13. Marilee Snider

    Our prayers will be for you and the whole family.

  14. Steve Ryan

    My heart goes out to the Duggar family at this time. My thoughts are with Jill and Jessa, and especially Anna and her seven kids. May you all continue to lean on God for comfort and strength during these very trying times.

  15. Gina

    I can’t imagine the pain of a parent and siblings trying to navigate this situation. I hope the world will allow you all some modicum of privacy in which to move forward and heal from this.

    • Elizabeth

      My thoughts and prayers remain with the entire family. As a parent of three, we teach our children and pray for God to watch over them in all they do as they make their way. May God’s good Grace and love carry you both through this storm and offer you peace.

  16. Callie Taylor

    I am heartbroken…. as a mother, as a wife, as a Christian. My fervent prayers are with each and every victim, named and unnamed. My prayers are with Anna and her precious children. My prayers are with both of you as his loving parents. My prayers are with his brothers and sisters and friends. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know what the truth is. But I know I love the Duggar family. And I know that I am a different and better person because of you. I wish I could offer some words of comfort. But I’m at a loss. As I sit here with my heart and my stomach having swapped places, I know what I feel is absolutely nothing compared to what you are going through. I pray that the Lord gives you moments of respite from your grief. And Anna. God be with Anna.

  17. Donnas

    I am so sorry. It is very hard for you all but God will sustain you. There will be beauty for ashes.

  18. Vicki Tsang

    JimBob and Michelle, what blessing you’ve been to your children and their children. God’s promises to you and your family will not return void. May the peace of Christ and His strength sustain you during this time of suffering. As Elisabeth elliot says, Suffering is never for nothing. We will lift you and Anna up in our prayers.

  19. Stacey Holmes

    My heart aches for you, Anna, the children, and all of the Duggar family. I cannot imagine your pain.

    I have been a faithful follower, and I am so grateful for your bold faith and Godly example. Josh’s choices were his alone. It is not your fault. May God bless you in the days ahead. I will pray for you.

  20. Amy

    My heart is broken for all involved in this situation. I have not heard if Josh has admitted to any guilt. If he is guilty, I pray that he will confess and truly repent and that Anna will not have to spend the rest of her life believing that her husband was imprisoned and taken from her wrongfully. If he is actually innocent, I pray that the truth will come out and he will be restored to his family. I am so very sorry you all are going through this. You are in prayers. Especially Anna. I cannot imagine the pain and loneliness she is enduring tonight. I am sorry. I will continue praying and hoping for truth and closure.

  21. Beth

    I am praying for you. We serve a mighty God who loves us all and forgives us when we ask. Thank you for following Gods design and standing by your son. I will,pray for you all in the days ahead,

  22. Hennessy

    God bless you. Praying for you guys

  23. Lynn Shields

    Please know that my family and I are praying for you. We know that our Lord and Saviour will be with you as travel through this difficult time….

  24. Elizabeth

    Please know your family will be in my prayers. May God’s wrap you in His merciful Grace during this difficult time.

    • Anonymous


  25. Stacey L Slocum

    Praying for you on this most difficult day! We love you, and will pray for Josh too!

  26. Austin David Lilly

    Praying for everyone, we still love you! Your statement is so honest and touching. You have stood strong as Christians and God is still with you. You have done a fantastic job with your family, and God will tell you, “Well done!”.

    It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 AMP

  27. Teri Geen

    We are all saved by the same Grace. Praying for some peace for you and your family.

    • Anonymous

      Amen. Don’t have an email. Love you all & prayers for all.

  28. Byron Autry

    I’m so sorry about Joshua’s situation . Trust The Lord in All Things. , Proverd 3 : 4 and 5

  29. Leigh

    I just feel horrible for Anna and her children. Her face today as she left court shattered my heart. I will be praying for all of you. I’m not going to pile on and attack you for your parenting. Hindsight is 20/20. I will also be praying that Josh gets the help he needs while serving his time. I’m so sorry for your family.

  30. Elizabeth M

    Father, during this trying season, I ask that you bring your perfect peace to the Duggars. I pray that no weapon formed against them will prosper. Protect them from words of cursing and assualt from strangers. Fight for them, Lord, as they rest in you. Shield all the children in this family from the negative impact of the media and outsiders. Lord, cause those working with the media to become distracted by other cases and move on quickly. Just as you protected the Israelites from the Egyptian army by covering them with the cloud of your presence, I pray that you would protect this family spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Be their front and rear guard.

    • Tammy Speakman

      My heart goes out to you & your family. Prayers, most especially for Josh, Anna, & their children, as well as, to you & your family. I am praying for haters, slanderers, gossipers, and all who have bad intentions towards any of you. Evil will fail, good will prevail. Keep your chins up, your head held high & your eyes on the Father. My love & prayers for each of you.♥️🙏

  31. Diana Sauer


  32. Trudy

    Thank you for coming forward and making a statement,I know this must be very hard on you all and I Pray you will find some peace in days following this. I know as a parent you will always love and Pray for your child even though he has been found guilty, I would t expect anything else from you as I would do the same if it were my son. I Pray that Josh seeks forgiveness from our Father and begins to heal his ways and finds solace in The Lord and I Pray for his soul and safety as there will be challenges being in prison and I wish him no harm. I Pray for Anna and her children and that she has the strength with your help to carry on till he is back home. God Bless your family in the coming days as the media will not be kind, just keep the strength and Pray that this too shall pass…

  33. Linda Gregg

    Praying for you during this season of grief and pain.

  34. Lisa

    Praying for your family

  35. Anonymous

    Prayers for your whole family.

  36. Rhonda Reinhardt

    As parents we love our children, we do our best to guide them in the truth, and then we watch them soar or fail. It’s heartbreaking. But we never stop loving our children. Praying God’s grace and peace over all of you during this difficult time.

  37. Sandy

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.

  38. sandy francisco

    I am so sorry for your family to have to go thru this. to say it is difficult is a gross understatement. Please know how many peoples lives you have touched with God’s love His word. Prayers for strength and grace for you all.

  39. Angela Sisk

    I know how hard this must be to effectively lose a son. I understand how you will never stop loving and praying for him. No good parent would. But if you truly prayed for God to reveal the truth, be willing to accept his answer. Even if it is the hardest thing you have ever done. The only way forward is in God’s truth.

  40. Kaley Melton

    I am sending many prayers up on all of your family’s behalf. I know that God will wrap His arms around you all and comfort you.

  41. Anonymous

    As I watched Anna walk out of the courthouse I was heartbroken for her. My prayer is that God holds her tight and sustains her. I do not know all the evidence as it was not broadcast but I do believe that, most of the time, juries get it right. I am sorry for all of the sadness and grief you must all be feeling right now. I am praying for healing for you and also for clarity in your minds about what happened. It is so hard to be in limbo and not know what to believe. I’m hoping the trial brought you clarity and the ability to come the a decision, even if it is a difficult one to believe. May God hold you in the palm of His hands.

    • Angela

      Those without sin cast the first stone. Josh is living as Saul in the world of Pauls. And there are so many Saul’s and very few Paul’s. As we all have. We pray during the next few years that he will come home to the Lord no matter where he is. We pray for all of you.

  42. Donna

    I will pray for this family who are bei g put through so many unnecessary trials and hateful others. This verdict effect so many in many different ways. Anna and all of the family are in my prayers.

  43. Tonya

    So sorry to hear this news. Praying for Anna, the children, the extended family, and for Josh….that the LORD will use this time to deliver him.

  44. Roberta

    I am so so sorry for what your family is going through. I prayed for the truth to be told,but also for all of you and especially Anna and the children

  45. Bonnie Cave

    God Bless and keep you all during this most trying time.

  46. j s johnson

    SO sorry!

  47. Mildred Renaud

    As a mother, my heart hurts for Michelle. As a parent, my heart hurts for Jim Bob. As a wife, my heart hurts for Anna. As a sister, my heart hurts for the Duggar siblings. I cannot imagine the pain this ordeal has brought to your family. Last night I prayed for you all, including Josh. And today I was up at 5am praying again for you all and will continue to do so. 🙏🏼❤️

  48. Stephanie Adams

    My prayers go out to you and the family, particularly Anna. Praying that God continues to give you strength and inner peace. Love never ends. Ever.

  49. Sarah

    I have been praying for your entire family through this trial, and will continue to do so.

  50. Ted Holder Reed

    May God bless and support all your family in this time of tribulation.

  51. Faye Johnson

    So sorry, I hope Joshua gets the best help out there. Just shows even with the best upbringing a child receives they still can have problems. Here’s hoping Jim Bob & Michelle get support & love from their friends & family to get them through this.

  52. Rebecca McClelland

    My thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Your grace and kindness through this ordeal speaks for itself.

  53. Carol Kosters

    Our hearts are just so sad right now but our Lord Jesus will give you the strength to go on. We LOVE your family and wish we could somehow let you know how much we understand what you are going through. We will continue to pray for your whole family and some of the things we read lately are lies and hateful. God will see you through this!!!

  54. Lorraine Chamberlin

    God will always sustain, teach, and guide you and all your children and in-laws. Keep trusting in Him, in His promises, in His redemption. He will never forsake you, nor cease loving you.

  55. Jo

    Praying for you all..I send my love. God is faithful, He will continue to sustain your family.

  56. A Jackson

    I can only imagine what your family is going through. I admire your faith. May God send you peace and strength to get to the other side of this tribulation. Love and peace to Anna and her children.

    • Anonymous

      I am praying for your family especially Anna and the kids with the new baby. Praying God will give you the peace that passeth all understanding.

  57. Shelby Allred

    I am so sorry your family has this challenge to face. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that God will make this trial a blessing for all of you. Much love and prayers for Anna and the children. Praying for Josh, as well. God will see you through all of this. God is always faithful!

  58. Amanda Wurdeman

    Continued prayers for your sweet family. We are going through a similar trial with a family member and so hard. We know the Lord is near and thankful for your whole family’s continued faith and example throughout all the years.

  59. Molly

    I hurt for you guys and still praying I message you guys on Instagram I am the one you meet in rapid city south Dakota I know it is really hard for you guys and I’m still praying still have the post card that you singed framed right beside my bed.

  60. Rollos

    Praying for your family

  61. Emma

    I want to commend y’all on your faith. It is a sad and heartbreaking situation. Know that out of darkness light will shine. Hoping this brings a positive note to y’all as I know it’s hard and your hurting too. No one’s too stained to be forgiven. Y’all are loved.

  62. Mindy

    Prayers for you all.

  63. Tami

    I admire your family so much. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you go through this horrific trial. Prayers for Anna and the kids. The Lord will surround you all in His love.

  64. Janice Neese

    We always love our children, even in the difficult days. Thankful Anna and the children have you.
    Most importantly I’m thankful we have a forgiving and loving God to see us through.

  65. Rhonda Nichols

    I can’t stop thinking about all of you and grieving for what you’re going through. God will sustain all of you. Special prayers for Anna, and also for Josh.

  66. Rhonda Marlow

    Sorry that you have to go through this ordeal with Joshua and your family..

    May Joshua get the help that he desperately needs. May he seek the Lord Jesus Christ during his stay in prison.
    I realize that he has a sickness, remember that the Lord Jesus Christ can heal Joshua, if Joshua would repent and turn his life over to God.

    Thank you!

  67. Diana

    I am so sorry for your family they was out to get Josh and they did I will be praying for your family I love each and everyone of you

  68. Anonymous

    Praying for your family🙏

  69. M

    Praying for you all

  70. Rachel W

    I am grieving with you and praying and knowing that Gods comforting presence, love, hope and peace will sustain you all in this time.

    • Tammy

      I will be praying for you and your family.

  71. Mary Tilley

    Hi Duggar Family. Please know that my husband and I are praying for you. I can’t imagine what you all must be going through. Remember, the Lord is with you during this very difficult and grievous time. We are parents too. We know our children are each different from one another and each have their own issues. I will be praying very hard (and I have been), for all of you. We may not understand why some children choose the kinds of paths they choose but know that with prayer all things are possible whereby his will is concerned and I can write with certainty that the Lord God wishes all to come to repentance and all to turn to him. I wish I could give you all a hug. I have come from a similar background so I know the pain. I’ll leave this here only to let you know you will all be in our continued prayers throughout out lives. When we pray for others, we do not cease from those prayers. Please pray for our children as well. We have had our struggles with them as well and it is our prayer that they step back from the worldly things and get into the word of the Living God. May God Bless & Comfort you all during this grievous time. Ernest & Mame Tilley

  72. Lori

    I’m so sorry about all you’re going through. And because you are so faith-filled, no doubt you’re also mindful of the “cloud of witnesses.”

    You’ve invited us into your homes and your lives, allowing us to see the everyday stuff, the joy, and the pain through the lens of your faith.
    I know God has used that in wonderful ways for people’s lives.

    But no one is immune from what makes us do wrong, sometimes
    the worst kinds of wrong. Not one of us. Not. One. Of. Us.

    Be comforted in God’s love. Hang on to Him for dear life. Thank you for ministering to my spirit.

  73. Carol J. Fulkerson

    We are praying for you and your dear family! May the Lord sustain you during this difficult time. Psalm 34: 17-19

    In Him,

  74. Robert House

    God Bless Anna

  75. Maria Mercado

    May prayers be with your family. May yall find the loving light that you need to heal you on your path ahead.

  76. Abigail Lowry

    Praying for the whole family, and especially Anna. Love y’all!!!

  77. Michele Hayes

    I can only imagine how broken your hearts must be. People can be so cruel in their comments. Please pass over the negative, ugly responses. Don’t absorb those. Sending love and prayers to your whole family. You are being supported and held up far and wide.

  78. Anonymous

    Your family has been an amazing inspiration in my life since the beginning. I share in your pain and hope for Josh’s heart and healing. The evil in this world is strong and we all have done thing to fight. I’m so sorry for your pain and will be praying with you for Anna

  79. Jacque Petterson

    My heart is with you and will be praying for your family, Anna and the kids. You have been an inspiration to me since the beginning of your show.

  80. Kristy

    Praying for your family during this difficult time.

    • Wanda

      Janet, I wonder how you have missed the gracious and humble way that theDuggars have dealt with all of this. God bless you, Duggar family.

  81. Martha Beintema

    Prayer for your family & all that suffer from an addiction.

  82. Veronica Lee Faith Baker

    My only comment is to Anna, the older girls, Amy, and Annas kids. Counseling will be needed. And with a trained professional. The chuldren are gonna begin to resentment and anger. They will will act out negatively. Ive seen it in my church. (Im Apostolic Pentecostal).

    Im praying for peace in your family. Have faith that God has you all in His hands. And never loose hope for whats yo come.

    • Milly

      As an Pentecostal myself, I pray these words to be canceled, and find NO room to manifest in the children’s lives..I surround them with my prayers, in the MIGHTY name of Jesus Christ 🙏🏼

  83. Matt Hall

    Praying for the victims of CSAM, Josh’s wife, children, and extended family. May God give strength and discernment for the days ahead.

  84. Melissa Bruns

    To The Duggar Families,
    My heart is so sad over this situation with your son. As parents, we don’t know what heartache our children will cause us. I for one have been down that road with my youngest son. We will always be there for them, loving and supportive knowing that God has a plan.
    I’m praying for Anna and her children. They will not fully understand the seriousness of this for a long time. I pray Anna will find the words to help them understand that things will be different a while. I also pray that Josh will get the help he needs to be a better person for his children.
    We are not immune from life’s troubles, it can happen to anyone. Keep your faith and God will see you through this, He saw my family through it too. GOD BLESZ

  85. Laurie Spall

    Prayers for you both as parents going through such a difficult and heart breaking time 💟

  86. Tiffany Nash

    Last night my heart was so heavy for your family. I too have troubled family members. Each of us walks with God alone. This can’t be a reflection of our individual faith. I know many people are going to try to tear down your family with all kinds of crazy things but continue in the faith that you have. This is a fiery trial, but you will get through it. Joshua needs deliverance and I continue to pray for him. But as a family, I see God in you all. I know your hearts are breaking but you will all get through this, better and stronger. I am very sad for Anna and the children. All we can do in times like this is stand on the truth of the living God. HE will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you for always leading with grace and forgiveness. I will continue to pray for you all. God is with you!

  87. Cindy Francis

    My mama heart goes out to you Michelle. I will be praying especially for you. My hope is that Jesus returns for us soon. I am ready! Satan is trying extra hard in these last days to destroy families. There is pain and heartache everywhere. There are people who do love your family and are praying. I am one of them.

  88. Gina

    Pit heart, thoughts, and prayers are with Anna, Josh, their precious children, with y’all and all of your sweet family. God bless and keep you y’all through this journey. Even in prison , Paul and Silas did many wonderful things for the glory of the Lord. Keep your head high, keep Praising God through it and what the devil means for evil, God will use for good for those who love Him!!! God bless, Merry Christmas , and have a safe and Happy New Years.

  89. Cindy Thompson

    Praying for all of the Duggar family during this most difficult time; especially for Anna and the children. These prayers are for God to comfort, sustain you, and bring you peace in the midst of the turmoil. Remember that the same God who parted the Red Sea, and allowed the Israelites to walk on dry ground is the same God who will provide a way and HOPE for all of you; for healing, restoration and grace for Josh. May the promised Holy Spirit be your Comfort and your Sustainer, and bring you Peace. These prayers are sent with much love and grace!

  90. Tammy Turner

    I will continue to pray for your whole family.

  91. Pat Carter

    Your entire family is in my prayers. A good friend of our family, a Christian husband and father to 5 boys and 2 adopted girls, who was a leader in our church, was found guilty of the same thing as Josh 3 years ago, and is in prison now. He was raised a Christian, married a Christian, and was seen by all to be a Christian. But these things happen. It doesn’t mean Josh isn’t a Christian. We all sin. He can be forgiven. Please DO NOT blame yourselves. Please have grace for yourselves, as God has grace on all of us. Please be there for Anna. May God’s grace and the peace that passes all understanding be with you all.

  92. Lisa F.

    My heart breaks for all of you. Please know that God has his arms wrapped around you, your family, Anna and Josh. I hope you will find support and comfort from those closest to you. You are in my prayers.

  93. Barbara K Sides

    Praying for your family.
    Have followed you all for years.
    We know as Christians this is real life.
    So sorry Joshua made some wrong choices. But, His story is not over.
    God is amazing and can do above what we can think or ask.
    Praying for Joshua, Anna, and the children.

  94. Merrie Grant

    So many heart’s are broken for all of you. You are surely under attack. Remember psalms 23. I hope for a quick and just resolve to these terrible accusations your children are accused of. We live in time’s that the good will be published and the evil doers will be glorified, but vengeance be the Lord our God.❤

  95. Melissia

    We pray for your whole family and for God’s peace and strength 🙏🙏🙏

  96. Courtenay Butler

    God Bless you and your entire family – especially Josh at this time when he needs lifting up by God’s healing hands. I have always been impressed and Inspired by the way you rely on your faith. Although I am not a member of the same church that you are, I am a member of a different Christian denomination. It grieves me that people take such pleasure when Christian’s are met with challenges – but in reality, that is when our God is right there to left us up. I am praying for all of you, always.

  97. Price Family

    Praying for your family….

  98. Nicole Borja

    Praying for you and your family. You are a wonderful ❤ family and example. Where there are trials there is triumph. Keep your faith, Jesus, and your family close. That’s all that really matters anyway. Thank you for all you do and have done to show how to be a good family over the years and in pressing times too. Be confident of this he who created a good work in you will complete until the day of Jesus. ❤

  99. Jeff

    I will be praying for you as well. Your family inspired mine to live a more faith based God honoring Christ serving family from watching how you lived your lives. Unfortunately when we so greatly shine the light of the Lord and his word and Love for people we come under attack from the devil. One of my pastors used to say “If you are not getting flack from the devil, stop and make sure you are not walking with the devil” I pray that God’ love and peace and Joy continues to surround your entire family and the whole world gets to see how God uses weak sinners to do great things for his Glory.

  100. Ter Williams

    I have loved you and your families from the beginning. Your a wonderful family and as we know life gives us all challenges. I am a grandmother and 5 of my grandchdren live with. Ne er thought we would do this but our daughter has been fighting cancer for 3 yes now. Her husband walked away when she found out this.

  101. Nicole

    To America’s family: I’ve followed your show forever. I’ve watched your kids grow up and feel like I know all of you. I am deeply saddened about what you’re having to deal with. I support Josh. If he is guilty, the judge should get him help, not jail time. I pray the whole family supports him. He needs his family. I am crying everyday now. Praying for strength. God is not done. Keep the faith. God bless all of you!

  102. Valerie

    Praying for you All. I dont know your family personally, just from watching

    you all grow up on your show, over the years and I believe you are a lovely family.

    I feel so sad for you guys—but there is

    one thing I am sure of and that is, you all will give Anna and the kids all the love and support

    they need…………and please stick close to each other as well. Praying this will draw you all

    together and not apart. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy………dont let him do that

    to your families. The Lord is coming very soon, just remember, keep going and do the

    next right thing.

  103. Jane

    Our hearts go out to you as a family, and to all that have been affected by such a sad and painful situation.
    Psalm 46 💕

  104. Donna Kearns

    You and your family are such an inspiration to other parents who are going through struggles. I hold you as role models for family and am so proud of your courage, dignity and faith in today’s broken society. Gods grace will sustain you and bring you through your pain. Love to you all. X

  105. Malissa Debruhl

    Keep leaning on the Lord and you will find the extra strength you are going to need through the years to come. Anna is such a strong woman and she makes me proud to call her my sister in Christ.
    I’m sending my love and prayers! ❤️🙏🏼

  106. Jackie

    As a parent I cannot imagine what you are going through. I have followed19 kids and counting since your youngest was born. I admire your faith and family values that you have passed onto your children and grandchildren.
    Anna seems to be a strong woman and wonderful mother.
    I am thinking of you all.
    with love from the U.K.

  107. Elaine Fredrick

    So, so sorry to hear about your son. My husband is involved in the pornography addiction ministry at our church. It is an overwhelming addiction for millions of men because it involves the part of the brain that becomes damaged after viewing porn. I pray that your son will get the help he needs, to fix his brain. For all men out there, child pornography is another horrific step downward into the porn trap, where you will never be satisfied. Please, please get help before you get that far down in this evil, evil sin! There is forgiveness in Christ! One website for help is Broken Strength, Contact Broken Strength for help. All interaction is anonymous.

  108. Pete and Sue Schnitzenbaumer

    Praying for each of you and praying for truth.Our hearts are united with God and to you.

  109. Marilyn Philpott

    Praying for your family and Josh. I love all of you. May the Lord reveal Himself to Josh. I pray this prayer for my three sons as well. It breaks my heart 💔😢 to see this happening to Josh and his family.
    God is with you all everyday, He hasn’t left you all ever.
    The days ahead will be hard, God will see you all in the storm of life.
    I love you all, be strong in faith always.

  110. Anonymous

    Praying for your Family!! God is a forgiver of Sins thank you Jesus for the Cross ✝️ 🙏 ❤

  111. Amanda

    I’m so sorry your family is going through this. May God’s grace sustain you in this difficult time.

  112. Monica Marquez

    Dear Michelle & Jim Bob,
    My heart has been heavy with sadness for all that you & your family are going through. Words can’t describe to God how l feel. So He sees my heart. I pray these things bring you closer together. His Love is Great! When it gets too heavy, let Him be your Strength; He will carry you. All my love, in Christ, your sister, Monica

  113. Trish

    I have always loved your family and understand what you’ve been going through. It is wonderful what your large family has shown the evil one. Sorry that josh has gone the wrong way for now. Keep trusting God.

  114. Laura C. Gaunnac

    I am praying for Anna and the children, and all of you.

  115. Tammy Roberts

    My prayers are with you and your family. I started watching you when yall 1st appeared on the today program. I miss seeing both of the programs and watching the family expand. May God give you the grace and patience you need each and every day. 2 Corinthians 12: 9,10.

  116. Karen

    God be with you. I can not imagine what you are going through.

  117. Ericka P

    May you continue to always trust Jesus- as he is with us especially in our darkest days. I have followed since I myself must of been 12 or 13, I’m saddened for what you guys are going through. Prayers are for you at this time- God’s plans are perfect, and we can only trust in him. Prayers for Josh as well as he needs them. May we learn from our mistakes and pray to be better each day- Hugs to all the Duggar family and especially to you “mom” and Anna and her children .

  118. Jenni Whitney

    Jim Bob and Michelle: My heart truly goes out to you and your beautiful family as you go through all this. I hope the family can all join together, because you all need each other. I strongly believe in family bonds and I’ve watched your family since “14 Kids And Pregnant Again”, and as the expression goes “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you, and I hope you all join ranks to be with Anna through this because she’ll need all the support she can get!

  119. Liz

    Dear Jim Bob and Michelle,

    Love you all so much.

    What has happened here can and does happen even in good, caring, and yes……faith filled, committed Christian families. You are ALL of these❤ I loved seeing the beautiful way in which both of you, over the years, lead all the children; here are just a few examples:

    The building of the big family house together, the homeschooling table, the jurisdictions the kids did together with a cheerful demeanor. I loved watching the older children help out and be responsible. The kids appeared refreshingly wise for their years. The pure smiles of peace and happiness radiated from them as you all hopped into the mini-bus to go grocery shopping, or to travel together. The beautiful modesty and the disciplined ways of courting (now so lost in our modern world) inspired me!! Did I mention the kids playing violins together, watching Jessa learn to drive, or hearing the kids sweetly explain how to do practical skills like making a recipe, stocking the pantry shelves, or fixing something? Many kids today do not get to learn and practice enough of these important life skills because maybe they do a lot of “gaming” instead and they practically “live” on the screen. Many are very spoiled too.

    In short, your children were exposed to good, humble productive, happy, LOVING, moral, wise faith in God and all His statutes. The grace and mercies of God through Jesus Christ is now what is mostly felt. The very root of our faith.

    When parenting, things can go either way even when we try to do everything right. God’s word and ways are ALWAYS right, even when we humans do not (or cannot)do them right. It does NOT mean that these ways change, or that we abandon and give up on God’s statutes.

    All we can do is pray, sincerely repent, and ask for forgiveness.

    I would pray that you do not let the stress of worldly pressure rob you of truth or joy. Be steadfast in His ways. The world will give you trouble, but Christ has overcome the world.

    I have never sensed an ounce of boastfulness in any of you.
    And what this sad and tragic situation proves is that the bible is right: “…All have fallen short…” also, never should any one soul take advantage of God’s grace. Many however do these days.

    With kids, give ’em roots, give ’em wings. It is hard….free will I mean. God bless and keep you, you did your part.

    God does not waste any of our sufferings. Not one scrap. He collects our broken pieces, makes a collage of artwork, and shines his light through…like a stained glass window.

    All things work together. The test becomes the testimony.

    Again. I love you and pray for you all
    My heart breaks with you.

    • Terri Janowiak


  120. Anonymous

    “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.”
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91:1-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    Praying for you

    • Terri


  121. Pam Motley

    Please know you are all daily in my prayers. Your family has always been a wonderful example of love for each other and the love of Christ. I’m lifting you all up in prayer this morning!

  122. Sharon Says

    I am an adult, but I am still living with the memory of my father being taken from our home for the same type of crime Josh committed. On behalf of Josh’s children, I pray that you will seek the help of a professional- someone experienced in dealing with the trauma this type of event can cause to young minds. They will be best served, and have a better life, if a qualified counselor determines if they witnessed anything or were affected by Josh’s actions. Just asking a child isn’t good enough. Sometimes children bury things very deeply, and only someone specialized in dealing with the subject can uncover what may otherwise lie hidden for many years. Children tend to look to themselves as the cause of family disharmony, and suffer terrible guilt about situations created by the adults in their lives. Please let them know that you understand that they miss their father, and that nothing they did caused him to be taken from them.

  123. Lacey Mesarchik

    So thankful for your example over the years and willingness to have your parenting watched so closely. I think for me parenting has been the hardest thing I have ever done, and I can’t imagine having it scrutinized in public arenas. Thank you for allowing God to use you, even though being in the spotlight has not been easy I’m sure. I have prayed for your family. I pray also that you will have wisdom and guidance in helping Anna and her children and the choices she faces. I pray that you will be open to the Lord’s leading for Anna and what He might have for her going forward. I pray that you will love her without an selfish ambition and allow her to move on in her life if that’s what she feels the Lord leading her to do.

  124. Nana

    My heart goes out to all of the Duggar family, for all of the victims including Anna, and Mom and Dad.
    You did your best, Jim Bob and Michelle, as parents. I pray that there will be counselors to minister to all those hurting
    including Josh in prison. Celebrate Recovery is a wonderful addiction ministry that may be of value to Josh if it is
    offered where he is sent. Praying for ministries and believers to be Christ’s hands and feet to heal the brokenhearted
    victims. Anna and her children will need much godly support in the years to come. Praying that they will be loved and cared for
    by both families. God bless you.

  125. Gina R.

    Praying for your family.

  126. Elizabeth Walker

    Hey guys, I have four kids and raised them in the church with morals and values. One of my four has gone astray. No matter what a parent does or doesn’t do, that kid makes their own decisions. I hope the media will leave you alone, but we already know you have a long hard journey. I wish you the very best and pray for complete unity in your family. In the meantime, we have a show on tv that seems to be perfectly okay with those same people who have judged you so harshly. A show where a man (sister wives) has 4 wives and a multitude of kids. That’s okay?

  127. Chris Collignon

    I shake my head in one crime lets say murder gets 3 years of probation and another crime of internet porn gets 40 years in prison..I don’t get it!

  128. VeganCalifornia

    Romans 8:28 assures: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

  129. Karen

    Praying for your family and all who have been affected.

  130. Andrew MReed

    It makes me think about parenting and drug addiction !

  131. Dana

    Praying for your family. Please know that Joshua’s actions are not the result of your faith and values. My mother was an incredibly Godly woman. I was raised in church and fell to drug addiction. That was my own choices. I take full ownership of my mistakes. But because my mother was so strong in her faith I survived and now have 7 years clean. We love your family and thank you for standing publicly in Christianity in a world that easily gets offended by it. Wrap your arms around those precious babies and Anna. They’re definitely going to need you and your faith in the coming years. 💜

  132. Sharon Acres

    May Gods grace mercy and wisdom be with you and your family as you navigate this season. I understand the enormous pain when one of your precious babies make decisions that don’t support your Godly investments into their lives.
    The God we serve is merciful and long suffering. He is a restorer and able to take a situation that the enemy meant for evil and turn it to good. Proverbs says “ the seed of the righteous shall be delivered”
    Faith is the substance of things hoped for Hebrews 11:1. My heartfelt prayers are with you .
    Not forgetting to mention precious children victims. May God draw you to his marvellous light, bring the healing that only He can, and guide you in His way to make a difference in this world that only you can.

  133. Debbie ` Clinton

    my prayers are with all of you . Anna has a very very hard road ahead of her raising 7 children alone may she and those kids have all the love support and happiness they deserve…………

  134. Chris Marlow

    As a Christian I understand and believe in forgiveness. It is a root value we hold strong to, especially because forgiveness gives the victim back their power and renders the abuser powerless. The victim can then move forward in a positive way free from bitterness and hatred. That is the gift God gives up through forgiveness. However I believe that when forgiveness is used to buffer accountability, it is not God ordained, and God surely knows the intentions of each person’s heart so I will leave that job to him. I will pray for everyone hurt by Child Sexual Abuse Material and may we all do our part to end such atrocities and not look the other way.

  135. betty

    Just wanted to send my love and prayers to you all. Please let Anna and children know how much they are prayed for. Also let Josh know that we love him and are praying for him. We are all sinners saved my God’s grace. Miss you guys on television and believe that what you all are walking through would be a help to many but the enemy would rather use TLC for sinful horrible shows. Remember the fans love and support you all! God bless and keep you all.

  136. Judy

    I pray for Josh. What if the jury got it wrong and an innocent man is now going to spend time in prison and the real perpetrator is still out there, able to do more harm to more children? They didn’t televise the trial so I don’t know all the facts well enough to be able to say, but all I can think is, “What if Josh didn’t do it. What if he is taking the fall for something someone else did?” What if people hated Josh and the Duggar family so much they were willing to believe the worse and go to any lengths to bring harm?” Josh would have been an easy target given his past, and we know there was a man that did not get called to testify who had a history of being on the child sex offender list. Why wasn’t he put on the stand? I have a hard time believing that Josh would not have been completely honest with Anna after his previous infidelities and marital failures. What did he have to lose by not telling her everything? I have a hard time believing she would have stood so strongly behind Josh if she knew he truly committed these crimes. My hope is that Anna and Josh’s parents continue to fight and seek the truth. What if the real perpetrator is still out there, walking free, able to violate again? What if…?

  137. Amanda

    Praying for your family. We used to watch the show so many years ago. All my family just adores watching your family. Recently when I heard of this news my daughter brought it too my attention and we remembered watching your family grow as our did and my heart was grieved for you Michelle. We have been praying for your family. I can’t imagine all your going through. Continuing in prayer for you.

  138. Ruth

    Praying for each member of your family and anyone affected by these events. Praying that God will ultimately get the glory and use this devastating event for His good. But by the grace of God, we are all doomed to perish! John 3:16

  139. Squeegie

    Proverbs 29:15 (KJV) The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

  140. Holly M

    Praying for you as a Mom and for your entire family. Praying that your family will get the help it needs from real counselors and that the truth will se you all free.

  141. Timothy Lynch

    Praying for Josh and Family
    God bless You


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