A New Relationship!

by | Oct 28, 2021 | 4 comments

“Getting to know each other for almost a year has been one of the greatest joys of our lives! We are excited to start sharing our story with you all and to see what God has in store for our future.” —Jeremiah Duggar and Hannah Wissmann

We are so happy for our son Jeremiah and his relationship with Hannah Wissmann! Jeremiah is a faithful man who has trusted God and prayed for the right girl to come into his life in His time. We have absolutely loved getting to know Hannah and the Wissmann family better this year! Our families have been friends for many years, and we have always enjoyed our visits with them. Hannah is a dynamic, Godly young lady, that we love—and not just because she frequently brings us homemade cinnamon rolls! 😉 We are thrilled for Jeremiah and Hannah as they both continue to seek the Lord about their future together!

Follow Jeremiah and Hannah on Instagram: @jerduggar and @hannahwissmann

Any photos on this page are considered the property of the Duggar Family and may only be used with their written permission. To request permission to use the photos please click here.

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  1. Lori

    Beautiful couple! May they have a blessed and joy-filled future.

  2. Lisa Marie

    May our Heavenly Father bless your union today, tomorrow & for eternity.

  3. Ken & MaryJane Below

    A big thank you for allowing God to use your beautiful family to reveal His love to the world! Showing the world how the family should worship and work together in unity keeping Jesus first! We will agree with you that Jim will win this Senate seat and that Holy Spirit will open Joshua’s eyes and heart to repent and be reunited with his beautiful family! Thank you for being faithful and good role models for the body of Christ! Hugs, love, blessings, and lots of prayer in Jesus name!

  4. Annie

    Beautiful Couple! We are So excited to see where God leads you, and to see the Precious Tiny Angels that He Blesses You With! You and your families are a tremendous blessing and inspiration to millions. Please know that prayers are going up for you everyday, that God continues to shower you with Wisdom, Courage, Strength, Health & Happiness throughout your lives!🙏🏼


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