Michelle Duggar on the Value of Friendship

by | Jan 18, 2021 | 5 comments

It was such a treat to get to speak with Jinger and Jeremy as a guest on their podcast! I feel like I am always learning from my “kids” and love tuning in to hear what Jinger and Jeremy share regularly on The Hope We Hold!

Join us as we discuss genuine friendship and ways to go about cultivating relationships that you want to last a lifetime. How do you find, develop, and enjoy deep, rich friendships? You can listen to our whole episode about the value of friendship through the link below!

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Timeless Biblical wisdom from the legacy of Adrian Rogers

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  1. Jan Cordell-Bryan

    Dear Mrs. Duggar,

    I am so thankful you were so transparent in this! Some times I think it easy for moms that watch and admire you to think you never feel overwhelmed or tired! I am blessed with 8 children, so my responsibility is not as great as yours, but at times I want to cry! I feel overwhelmed and I think how do these other mama’s do this!!! It was encouraging to think that it may be normal to feel overwhelmed at times! To hear that you prayed for help is so neat! Thank you so much for your desire to be a blessing to younger mothers!

    God bless,

  2. Daisy

    Thank you for sharing such truth and encouragement! This podcast blessed me and challenged me at the same time. It was a delight 🙂


  3. Anonymous

    Thank you and God Bless You!


  4. Katy Waldrop

    Hi sweet lady! I ended up here looking for your tater tot casserole recipe😄 Just wanted to say that you are loved and prayed for by people you may never meet💖💖💖 God bless you and your beautiful family💝

  5. Cindy Patterson

    I have been watching The Luggage for years. But the one question I have is “Who has to mate all the many pairs of socks? I only had 5 children and 6 grandchildren and it seems like there is always single socks. How do to you keep up with socks???


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