Wonderful News from Josiah and Lauren!

by | May 20, 2019 | 2 comments

We are so thrilled for Lauren & Josiah expecting! It was very difficult losing their first child in a miscarriage, but now God has blessed them with another child on the way. This year we are going from 12 to 17 grandkids, soon they are going to outnumber our own kids, we are so grateful for each one of them. It’s not easy raising kids in today’s world. Over the years we have asked God for wisdom to help keep our children on the right track and to point each of our family members to a close relationship with God. One of the resources that has been priceless are the messages at https://embassymedia.com/The practical Biblical teachings have inspired us and taught us how to lead our children spiritually, how to have a close marriage relationship, how to resolve conflicts and how to conquer anger. We pray that each one of our descendants will make a positive difference in this world! -Jim Bob & Michelle  

God’s faithfulness to us in our most difficult moments has sustained us and brought us such love and comfort. We cannot begin to tell you how much we are looking forward to holding this baby in our arms this fall. Every good and perfect gift is from above and we are looking forward to this new season of parenting together! – Josiah & Lauren

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  1. Evelyn Labick

    Congratulations You two will make wonderful parents.

  2. Erica Washington

    Congrats to the both of you. I just had a baby boy Sept 28th and I actually named him Josiah after you!!! When I was pregnant before I found out I was having a boy my husband and I were deciding on names. I’ve watched your family from the very beginning and when I heard them calling you “Siah” in the recent episodes I loved it and we have a “Siah” of our own now.


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