News from the Dillards

by | Aug 10, 2017 | 0 comments

New Direction in Ministry


Thank you so much for your support of Dillard Family Ministries through your prayers and financial resources.  It has been a joy and blessing to see how our Lord has worked in Central America, and your generous giving has been a huge part of making that possible.  During our time working with SOS Ministries over the past 2 years, we have witnessed God transforming the lives of many involved in the gang community and positively influencing the lives of young people for the sake of the Kingdom.  Through numerous efforts of community development, skills training, sports outreach, and local church ministry, a strong foundation has been laid that I believe the Lord will continue to grow for many years to come.       


Beginning this month, we are discontinuing Dillard Family Ministries and will no longer be accepting donations through this organization.  Through a number of circumstances, and guided by much prayer and counsel, we are discerning the Lord leading our family’s full-time ministry back to the United States for the time being. 


We understand very well that mission work definitely requires flexibility.  This, we have witnessed and experienced first-hand in our years of ministry.  It is, and always has been our aim, to seek the Lord above all else.  This includes walking in close relationship with him daily, seeking his direction for our family, and doing our absolute best in everything, namely, being a Gospel witness and Kingdom worker in whatever context he places us. 


At this time, God has seen fit for our family to continue serving him in ministry within the context of Northwest Arkansas. 


Because He Lives,


Derick and Jill Dillard

(+Israel & Samuel)


Any photos on this page are considered the property of the Duggar Family and may only be used with their written permission. To request permission to use the photos please click here.

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