Happy Birthday Jim Bob!

by | Jul 18, 2017 | 0 comments

My dearest Jim Bob, 


I’ll never forget over 34 years ago when we met!

At age 16, I was working at the yogurt shop that your mother managed. You came to the counter where I was standing by the cash register and introduced yourself. You were shy but very sweet! I really don’t remember much about that conversation, except that you finally mustered up the courage to ask me if I would go to your junior-senior banquet with you! 

I said, “Yes!” and I am so thankful I did.

I don’t think either one of us ate much of our dinner that evening.

We came back to my parent’s living room and we sat and talked for four hours about the things of God!

You opened up the Bible and shared truth with me from God’s word. I remember when you left that evening I prayed,  “Father I’ve never met a man like this before if this is not the one you have for me, I can’t imagine anyone better!”


I felt on that day that God had knit our hearts together!


It seems impossible to express my love for you in mere words! I am so grateful to be your wife!


Here are some things that I LOVE ABOUT YOU:


1.     You are a wonderful husband!

2.     You are my best friend.

3.     You’re a great Dad.

4.     You attempt to fix the things on my “honey do” list!

5.     You listen to me! You make me feel loved.

6.     You are my man!

7.     You are my protector.

8.     You are awesome!

9.     You work hard.

10.  You’re an excellent provider.

11.  You are a gentleman and always make me feel like a lady.

12.  You have common sense.

13.  You are kind.

14.  You know how to make me laugh!

15.  You have a fun sense of humor.

16.  You take me out on dates.

17.  You think of me before thinking of yourself.

18.  You’re so considerate.

19.  You share your heart with me

20.  You are a great leader. 

21.  You are a godly man.

22.  You lead our family.

23.  You are the first person I turn to and it means so much that you pray with me!

24.  You fear and honor the Lord.

25.  You are a visionary person.

26.  You come up with fun & exciting ideas!

27.  You are steady and stable. You make me feel secure.

28.  You can make some awesome hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill!

29.  You help around the house.

30.  You are fun to work with.

31.  You are one handsome man!

32.  You are an unselfish person.

33.  You have taught me so much.

34.  You encourage me to draw closer to Jesus.

35.  You are slow to anger.

36.  You are my favorite person in the entire world!

37.  You are fun to grow old with.

38.  You’re a great kisser.

39.  You have good judgment.

40.  You are very forgiving.

41.  You affirm me, and that means the world to me.

42.  You are a thoughtful man.

43.  You care about how I feel.

44.  You show me respect.

45.  When something breaks, you try to learn how to fix it.

46.  You inspire me to be the best I can be.

47.  When hard times come, you draw strength from God.

48.  You stand for the Truth. I admire that!

49.  Your enthusiasm gets me excited.

50.  You are a man of conviction.

51.  You are a man of integrity.

52.  You’re a man of action.

53.  You admit when you are wrong.

54.  You have a learning spirit.

55.  You read the Bible with your family.

56.  You take us to church.

57.  You encourage me by your example to show Christ’s love to others.

58.  You honor your father & your mother.

59.  You are a faithful husband and father.

60.  You’re my dream-come-true!

61.  You are an excellent role model.                                 

62.  You humble yourself before God and others.

63.  You are willing to learn from your critics.

64.  You are an honest man.

65.  You genuinely care about others.

66.  You have a ministry mindset looking for opportunities to encourage others to turn to God.

67.  You comfort your family when we cry.

68.  You watch over us when we are sick.

69.  You buy us cases of dill pickles even though you don’t like to eat them yourself!

70.  You are a good sport.

71.  You are generous.

72.  You give wise counsel after much prayer.

73.  You spend time in prayer for our children and me.

74.  You are a grateful man.

75.  You honored my mother and my father.

76.  You take me shopping!

77.  You take us on fun outings & vacations.

78.  You love my extended family.

79.  You play with our kids.

80.  You have cleaned up after our kids, with tender compassion, when they are sick! 

81.  You have allowed and encouraged us to have pets!

82.  You have taken care of many unseen details without complaining.

83.  You are great at multitasking!

84.  You take interest in the things that are important to me and the kids.

85.  You have taught your family many important life skills!

86.  You are not a quitter!

87.  You have encouraged our kids to be entrepreneurs.

88.  You have bought & changed hundreds of diapers!

89.  You have helped us learn from our mistakes or bad choices.

90.  You are always available for late night talks.

91.  You give consequences when needed; with compassion.

92.  You bear others burdens.

93.  You pray for others’ needs and trials.

94.  You lead us in prayer for our leaders.

95.  You honor our veterans and their families.

96.  You are thankful to live in America and you don’t take our freedoms for granted.

97.  You taught our children to say, “Thank you, Momma, for having me!” on their birthdays! 

98.  You wear cologne for me! =0)

99.  You call me ” My Love”!

100. You still make my heart flutter when you greet me with a hug and kiss at the end of the day!


Our kids are blessed that you are their dad.


I respect you so much and I wouldn’t trade my life with you for anything!


It’s an honor to be Mrs. Jim Bob Duggar.


I love being by your side.


I just love being with you!


~ Your Michelle

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