16 Things To Pray For Your Children

by | Oct 4, 2016 | 0 comments

Even with busy lives, you can’t let it affect your prayer time with your children and God. Here is a list of 16 things we diligently pray over each of our children! We hope you find it encouraging and uplifting!

  1. Their salvation.
  2. Their mate.
  3. That they would fall in love with God’s word.
  4. That God would keep them from evil.
  5. That they would have a conscience void of offense before God and man.
  6. That their character would be more valuable to them tan their credentials.
  7. That they would stand up for what is right even if it means standing alone.
  8. That they would be kept from the love of money.
  9. That they would be kept morally pure.
  10. That they would have the heart of a servant.
  11. That eternity would in their hearts.
  12. That sin would always be distasteful to them and that they would be broken easily over sin.
  13. That they would love each other.
  14. That they would trust God with their parents and not allow rebellion to set in.
  15. Regardless the hardship, that they may never become bitter against God.
  16. That our boys would be glad to be boys and our girls glad to be girls.

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