Happy 50th birthday, Michelle!

by | Sep 13, 2016 | 0 comments






Michelle, you are so beautiful inside and out; you still look like you are in your twenties. 

I feel like the most blessed man in the world to be married to you for over 32 years. Thank you for having our 19 kids, you are such a wonderful wife and mother! Your sweet spirit radiates to all those around you. 

I am looking forward to the next 50 years with you and spending time together with our 200 grandkids! I love you so much, you are my best friend!

Jim Bob





I don’t think I can express in words how thankful I am for you!!

First of all, thank you for going through the pain of pregnancy & delivery to have me!!

I know that a lot of women wouldn’t go though the pain of pregnancy just to have another ‘burden’ to take care of in life, but you see children from God’s perspective, as a blessing! Even though you knew it wasn’t going to be easy, you surrendered it to God & trusted that He would get you through! And for that, He has blessed you!

Thank you for being consistent over the years in reminding me to do what is right, to honor God, and to be respectful to others; being consistent in teaching us God’s ways, His principles & instilling His Word into our lives!

Your hours and hours of diligence in encouraging us to follow the Lord, even though we didn’t always understand where He was leading or what He was doing, has shown me that God’s ways work!

Thank you for wanting to know our hearts, for always asking ‘how are you doing?’ And even if we said ‘fine’, asking us again, ‘no, how are you really doing?’ Then being patient and listening to us as often through tears we would share what was going on in our lives! You are always taking interest in our dreams and desires, and challenging us to be the MOST for Christ that we can be!

I admire so much your strong relationship with the Lord, how you’ve drawn near to the Him and He’s drawn near to you. It is evident that you are in The Bible daily, seeking truth with every single page you turn. Not reading through it flippantly, but memorizing and thinking on scripture daily! Praying scripture over each of us kids and over whatever else may come your way!

Thank you for your unconditional love for Daddy, us kids, and your grandkids! I know that even when I’ve blown it or made an unwise choice, I have a place to share my heart, and you are always there to forgive me and pray with me!!

Your genuine love for others, not only our family and friends, but even total strangers, blows me away!! How you truly care for others and their needs is such a testimony to me!


I love you so very much and am SO thankful to have YOU as my Mom!! You are the BEST EVER!

Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!!


With gratefulness,

~Joy-Anna Duggar





You are one of the greatest treasures God has given me, I am thankful for the wisdom  (seeing and responding to life’s situations from God’s frame of reference) that pours out of your life and impacts each person you come in contact with. I remember a few months ago running into you at Walmart and seeing you talking with a small group of people. I briefly stopped to say, “hi!” and quickly excused myself because I had a “long” list of over 25 items to pickup. I finished up my shopping and headed back home. A few hours later you made it back and said that you planned to run into the store to get 2 items – it was supposed to be a quick trip, but you spent 3 hours talking with different people, encouraging them in their walk with God and praying for specific needs in their lives. You are so sensitive to the deep needs of those who cross your path and you reach out with the compassion and love of Jesus Christ.


I’ve heard you say when your kids are young they keep you up with late night feedings and when they get older you are up late having heart to heart conversations. However, I never imagined I would be the one keeping you from sleep so many nights as we cried and prayed together during some of the most difficult days of my life. You truly are the virtuous woman talked about in Proverbs 31 and you open your “mouth with wisdom and in [your] tongue is the law of kindness.” Thank you for the many hours and almost sleepless nights you have sacrificed listening and speaking God’s truth into my life.


You have been such an awesome example to me of a “JOY-full” mother, and you really are a living baby Encyclopedia that I can (and I do!) turn to and say, “What do you do when…?” Though I’m sure there are many times you know better ways to do things, you are quick to praise and allow me to grow and learn without the “I-did-it-better-attitude” — that, sadly, many mothers-in-law express.


Growing up, my grandparents each had strained marriage relationships. I often prayed for my grandparents to love God and each other and I prayed that one day, when I got married, that our kids would have awesome grandparents. Well, God exceedingly answered that prayer! The deep love and commitment that you and Pops have for each other flows out of your love for God! It is so precious to watch you two, y’all still have that twinkle and excitement in your relationship after 32 years of marriage 19 children and 7 grandchildren!


Well, I feel like there are so many more things I could say… but I guess I’ll just have to save them for next year!


Love you so much,







Mackenzie made this for Grandma’s birthday!


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