32 years ago on July 21st, 1984 Michelle and I got married. It was one of the happiest days of our lives. We both thought we were very mature (although we admit we were pretty young), but we both were very deeply determined to seek God direction for our future and tried to have a ministry mindset to invest in those around us. We committed our lives together, for better or for worse, till death do us part. From the beginning we wanted our marriage to honor our faith and be built upon its foundation.
Dr. Ed Wheat (who wrote an excellent book called “Intended for Pleasure”) counseled us right before we were married and encouraged us to make a commitment not to have a television for the first year of marriage. We did that and it was an amazing honeymoon year. Then shortly after our first year, someone gave us a TV and we connected it to cable television. We instantly noticed our communication dropped off, and that our attention turned from each other, to being glued to the TV. After 3 weeks of constant TV watching, we both agreed that this was not healthy for our relationship, so we got rid of the television in order to concentrate more on each other. Looking back, that is one of the best things we have done for our marriage and family. As you can imagine, we are not against TV, computers, phones and various forms of entertainment. We just know that with all of these things we must be so careful to ensure it doesn’t devour one of our most precious resource, time.
Believe it or not, when we first got married we decided we did not want to have children right away, so Michelle began taking birth control pills.Three years into our marriage Michelle went off the pill and we had our first child. Then she went back on the pill, because we heard it was better to space your children out, but Michelle got pregnant while she was on the pill, and the pill caused her to miscarry. We talked to a Christian doctor and he explained that the pill could be abortive. (Read Randy Alcorns book, “Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?”) We were so grieved, because of our own lack of knowledge; we had lost our second child. We read several passages in the Bible, like Psalms 127 that says children are a blessing and a gift from God. Here we had rejected God’s gifts and told Him we only wanted to receive them on our timetable.
We asked God to forgive us, and we told God we want to follow Him with our lives and receive any blessings He wants to send our way.
Right after that God blessed us with twins, Jana and John, then Jill, Jessa, Jinger & Joseph.
Somewhere through there we thought, what have we done? We were outnumbered and had seven children, seven years old and under. We were tired, overwhelmed and did not know if we could handle anymore. But, in faith we recommitted to leave this area in God’s hands, and we spent time teaching God’s word and Bible principles to our children every day. By God’s grace we made it through and our children have grown up and each one are seeking the Lord’s will for their lives.
We would have never dreamed the joy, fun, adventure and sometimes disappointment and tears that we have encountered raising 19 children. There is never a dull moment. We love each one of our children and each one of them is thankful for the life God has given them..
Michelle and I are more in love today than ever before!
Here are some keys that we have learned along the way that have helped make our relationship strong for 32 years and counting:
1. Both of us individually ask Jesus to forgive us for the things we have done wrong and ask Him to take over the direction and control of our lives.
2. Daily we praise each other in front of others, never putting each other down or calling each other derogatory names. When there is a conflict or disagreement, we go talk privately and pray about it together.
3. We honor and cherish each other. I look for opportunities to open doors, to carry heavy items or other ways to serve Michelle and regularly take time to talk with her. Michelle is always writing special notes, and looking for ways to say I love you! I try to treat Michelle like a queen and she has always honored and respected me. We make all major decisions prayerfully together.
4. We follow the scripture that says, “Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath!” which means humbly ask forgiveness when you do something that offends a family member and quickly forgive those who wrong you, even before they ask for forgiveness.
5. We try to go out on weekly date nights. I try to win her heart each day and find ways to show her I love her. Michelle is constantly coming up with new ways to show her love to me, our children and friends.
Michelle you are one of the most loving people in the world, you are so sweet and beautiful. I feel like the most blessed man in the world to be your husband! I love you so much! Happy 32nd Anniversary! I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you and with our 6, going on 200 grandkids and counting.
-Jim Bob
What a beautiful love you two have. Thank you for sharing! My family and I learn so much from watching the Dvds of your family. God bless
May God Continue to Bless your Marriage & Family as you serve Him We Miss your family on TLC, The only Decent family program worth watching, we no longer subscribe to any TV network. My sister fills me in on Jill & Jessa’s program.
Michelle we loved your dress that you wore in Jill and Derick’s wedding! Please tell me where you bought it. I might be able to find that style for the Mother of the bride. Wedding is May 13this year.
Dear Jim Bob and Michelle, You both inspire me that there really is a way to have a happy marriage. Thank you for being such moral role models for all young people. In light of today’s standards, you both shine – and your children are living their lives in the same way you taught them. It is incredibly beautiful to see them remain true to their religious beliefs during a time when morals are not even considered in romantic relationships. God bless you. I am a BIG fan of your family.
it is so wonderful to know that there is true love with you two still after all these years. I hope and pray my own marriage will be the same. we’ve only been married 5 years but were in the crazy stage and hardly get along any more. but I want my marriage to be strong and last as long as yours were working on it everyday if you got any advice ill take it. happy anniversary you two are the best.
Hi. Happy Anniversary!! I followed the show every week. I’m sorry for what the family went through! I’m watching your 3rd daughter get married, beautiful wedding. I want to tell you how beautiful you looked, Michelle. You also looked like you lost some weight, awesome. You and JimBob have a beautiful family. Just wanted to tell you this. I am also a Christian who loves Jesus. Hugs Lynn. I live in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. Big fan!!