Josh and Anna’s Exciting News!

by | Apr 26, 2019 | 3 comments

We are so happy for Josh & Anna, expecting their 6th child and our 16th grandchild!  Each child is a blessing from God! Anna is one of the most amazing women in the world, she is a Proverbs 31 woman! Anna & Josh are good parents and it is going to be neat to see what God does with each one of their children’s lives. Mackenzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith and Mason are so excited to have a little sibling on the way! God is at work in their sweet little family! He has blessed them with another child! What a gift! The best days for their family are still ahead!

-Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

“Pops & Mama”

We couldn’t be happier to share with the world that our family is growing by one this Fall. We continually stand amazed by God’s love, redemption, grace, and blessings in our lives. Our entire little family is ecstatic! – Josh & Anna

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  1. Carolyn Jett

    He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. Good luck and God’s Blessings, Anna and Josh.

  2. Sharon Lisman Baxter

    I’m so happy for you. I love all the children’s names. Mainly Marcus! My oldest’s (46 yrs this July)name is Marcus Grant, named after a dear cousin, Grant after my g-grandfather. I pray y’all have a wonderful life. Sharon

  3. Janine L Johnson

    I am so happy for you all and your growing family. It was so good to see Anna in the recent episodes; I’ve missed her and Josh. I truly admire and respect this entire clan and wish all of them the very best. Keep up your ministry of inspiration and goodness; it means a lot to folks like me!


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