Take a close inside look at the supersize Duggar family (18 children plus parents)! Since their first documentary on the Discovery Health Network, viewers have been fascinated with the story of this couple’s faith and belief that children are a blessing from God. Their first book, The Duggars: 20 and Counting, is an inspiring and entertaining collection of stories, photos, recipes, tips, traditions, and practical ideas designed to answer the questions of the curious. Some of the questions they answer are “Why do you have so many children?”, “How do you provide for your family financially?”, “How do you handle mealtimes…transportation… laundry…birthdays?”, “How are your children so well behaved?”, and “Why do all your children have names that begin with J?”. Adopt a few ideas from the Duggars and improve the peace and love inside the walls of your own home.
Publication Date: 2008