Duggar Anniversary Trip!!

by | Jul 21, 2017 | 0 comments


Today, my love and I celebrate 33 years of marriage.

We are often asked about the “keys” to a healthy marriage. I can say, without a doubt, the number one key is to keep Christ first in your marriage. We pray together, read the Word together, and spend time discussing God’s work in our lives. Michelle and I value each other!

I also know another key is to keep important things first. Work and the busy-ness of life does not get in the way of the time I spend alone with Michelle and with our family. I love being with her! 

We have been blessed to be able to spend an amazing week together in Kauai, Hawaii! The beautiful scenery and experiences we have had together on this trip have made incredible memories! 

Today and every day, I am so thankful the Lord blessed me with you, my wonderful wife. She is a wise woman and makes me a better man. 

I love you Chelle!

– Jim Bob

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