Question from a fan on Facebook: What advice will you give your daughters as they become mothers for the first time?
Well, I think it’ll probably be the same advice I give to any other new mom, except for the fact that I will be saying, “Now, if you need a babysitter, you know grandma is just down the road, and I’d be so happy to help you whenever you need a date night with your sweetie!”
I always tell new mamas to cherish the moments that they have with the little one because the babies sleep a lot those first two to three months. They pretty much eat and sleep, and they’re just not awake for a whole lot of time. Take lots of pictures and make a lot of sweet memories of that special time.
Also, take naps! Try to get a nap in when the baby takes a nap, especially while you’re breastfeeding the baby. The night feedings come about every three hours, depending on the size of the baby, how they digest their milk, etc. Some may sleep four-hour stretches; some may go for six or eight hours, depending on their metabolism. But, typically, those newborns in the first year, their feedings stretch only to about four hours between each one. I needed a little bit of extra sleep here and there. When I put my baby down for naptime, usually in the middle of the day, the tiredness would hit me. So I would lie down with the baby and take a nap. And that’s important.
You can see everything that needs to be done around the house. You need to catch up on laundry; you need to do some cleaning; you want to do some ironing — whatever. But just take that break and sleep, even if it’s just an hour while the baby is sleeping. Afterwards you’ll feel so much better and be ready to tackle the world.
Also, make sure that you have date night with your hubby. Even though you’ve got a little one, you can take the baby along with you and spend some time with your sweetheart. Try to make it a part of your weekly schedule – whenever you can find time — because your schedules are going to be demanding with a new baby and work.
It’s important to keep that focus on building and strengthening your marriage relationship because that gives your children stability in their lives. When they see mom and dad are making it a priority to love each other and focus on their relationship, it reminds them that their parents love each other and that their relationship is a top priority in the family.
I love how your advise is so down to earth and realistic, you aren’t giving rigid formulas to stress new moms out, and you understand that with a nursing baby, going out on date night might require bringing the baby. I am about to have my 4th in 3 months ( I am 25). I have had a baby just about the same time as Anna and Josh each time, its kind of fun to watch other people in the same point in their lives:-) Hope to meet you all some day and love to watch your show:-). ~Ashley Ziegler (Pennsylvania, Pa)
Wonderful advice. I love how down to earth you are. You & your family are so inspiring. I had my 4th boy 5 wks ago at 26 wks due to severe eclampsia & HELPP syndrome. Our sweet Porter weighed 1lb 11oz & is still doing battle in the NICU & will be for at least a couple more months. I’d love to hear your advice to mama’s of premmies, especially ones with other young children who need you. I appreciate so much your bravery at sharing your life & faith with the world through the show. I know there must be critsizm from those who believe differently but having watched your show when your sweet Josie was born I feel a little less alone in what I’m dealing with even though I don’t know you. It gives me hope. I know The Lord is using your show to bless the lives of others like me. Thank you!
How can you give advise to any new or old mother. You don’t mother any of these kids. The older girls are their moms & the older boys are the dad. Shame on you… All you care about is being on TV & pretending your such a good mom. Of course how you tell people how to raise kids. You are a fake!!!! Your not a mom, your just a baby maker, more kids more money…..thank goodness your getting to old to have anymore. Your voice is sicking,
I love your advise for new married mother’s and i applaud you for living your life through the bible God Bless all of your Family. (as to Beverly, If you haven’t anything nice to say you should keep it o yourself and I Pray that you find Jesus cause you words don’t sound like you do)
Beverly How can you say such a thing Michelle and Jim bob are wonderful parents the children love and respect them yes the older girls do play roles in the children’s life but so does every other family with more then one child the older children also teach the younger one I did in my family unit and I was thought by my older sib the Duggars are a holsome family their children respect each other and look out for each other and that’s the way it works in large families shame on you for gudgeing them we all need to reilize that it is not our gob to gudge only christ can and will gudge his ppl and I hope you are ready for that day because you will be gudge
It’s wodfernul to have you on our side, haha!
Thank you. I needed this. I am having a baby and am having a really rough day. Thank you again Michelle! You are a very sweet, loving lady!😁